Employers and job seekers can access the following sites for job postings
Services to assist employers & job seekers
Career & Employment Centre
157, rue Water, suite 100
Campbellton, NB
Tel: (506) 753-8045
Government of NB
Working NB
General Information
157 Water St. suite 100
Campbellton, NB
Tel: (506) 789-2411
41 Water St.
Campbellton, NB
Tel: (506) 753-3344
Private companies
R2 Management
59 Water suite 201
Campbellton NB
E3N 1A9
(506) 759-7272
HR Reflexion
17 Water St.
Campbellton, NB
(506) 789-1991
About us
Restigouche Regional Service Commission encompasses the municipalities, communities and Local service districts from Durham Parish (excluding Belledune) in the East to the Kedgwick Rural Community in the West.